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Xiang Wang, Director of Investment Promotion Bureau of Qingyang Industrial Park of Jiangyin National High Technological Industrial Development Zone and his delegation visit InvestCHN
Release time: 2020-04-07 Source: InvestCHN

  On the afternoon 7th of April, Xiang Wang, Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Qingyang Industrial Park of Jiangyin National High Technological Industrial Development Zone and his delegation visited InvestCHN. Founder of InvestCHN Chase Wu hosted the reception and exchange.


  At the meeting, Bureau Wang detailed introduce the overview of the investment promotion situation of Jiangyin National High Technological Industrial Development Zone in the pass few years and the overall plan for 2020. Jiangyin have a great convenient transportation, located in between Changzhou and Wuxi. Bureau Wang hopes to develop in depth cooperation with InvestCHN and achieve for more high quality foreign enterprises settle in Jiangyin National High Technological Industrial Development Zone.




  Founder of InvestCHN Chase Wu explained at the meeting, the both sides conducted further discussions on the progress of some parts of the project, and he expressed InvestCHN will further increase the promotion of projects to striving for glory! make a better Jiangyin National High Technological Industrial Development Zone.

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