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Jieping He, Member of CPC Committee and Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of CXETDZ; Jieqin He, Vice President of Sub-branch of Bank Of China and their delegation visit InvestCHN
Release time: 2020-01-20 Source: InvestCHN

  On the afternoon 8th of May, Jieping He, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Changxing National Level Economic and Technological Development Zone; Jieqin He, Vice President of Sub-branch of Bank Of China and their delegation visited InvestCHN. Founder of InvestCHN Chase Wu hosted the reception and exchange.



  At the meeting, Vice Director He first summarised and shared the overview of investment promotion in the Changxing National Development Zone over the past year, and greatly affirmed the high quality of the projects recommended by InvestCHN and the high efficiency of project promotion, and hopes to cooperate with InvestCHN in 2020. Comprehensive and in-depth cooperation, strive to attract more high quality foreign funded enterprises to invest in Changxing.

  Vice President of Sub-branch of Bank Of China He expressed that Bank of China as the most globalised and integrated bank in China, has been actively promoting the layout of overseas branches and deepening all-round cooperation with various overseas financial institutions for many years. The project provides a series of convenient and thoughtful services including foreign capital account opening, foreign exchange settlement, credit financing, etc. to ensure the smooth progress of the project and solve the worries of the enterprise.




  Founder of InvestCHN Chase Wu thanked Vice Director He and Vice President of Sub-branch of Bank Of China He for their understanding and support for InvestCHN. According to the industrial characteristics of Changxing National Development Zone in 2020, the promotion of projects will be increased, and the new year will be “Sesame Blossoms, get Higher in Career”!

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